Carina's eating
This one is for my friend Carina. Carina really like this guy, but he's bit shy or something, never lets her in.
But she's in love, all her senses is wide open. She write a poem about him, after I read it I had this image that she's eating his dead body.

Rot eye duchess
Her eye's rotten, the whole room smells, but she doesn't care, she did what she had to.
Did this one on a life drawing session for 45 minutes.

This is about social distortion. People check the status of other people constantly, expose themselves to strangers on social media. Just click and swipe, jumping from link to link like zombies, keep looking for the truth behind representation.
Line work study.

Distorted self
Stone cold sober. After all these years I forgot how to be nice, but today I raise my thumb and try to smile and my face is cracking up.

I cut out her eyes and mouth just for fun.
Thanks for Watching